One Bedroom Self Catering Apartment - Puerto del Carmen


Please use the availability calendar below to check when our apartment is currently available; dates marked in red already have confirmed bookings, those in yellow are currently reserved. If your preferred dates are available, just click on the arrival and departure dates that you require and you will be taken to our booking form. Please note, no booking is confirmed until you have heard from us and have paid your confirmation deposit.

As mentioned elsewhere on our site, we are only able to accommodate groups of up to three, with a maximum of two adults. Please do not request a booking for more as we would be unable to help you.

If our apartment is already booked for the dates that you require, we also have a two bedroomed apartment elsewhere in Puerto del Carmen that may be available. Please use the Enquiry Form lower down the page to ask.

If you have already booked with us and require further details or wish to change your booking, please use the contact details that you were given at the time of booking and quote your booking reference number.